3 Zina Street, Orangeville, ON L9W 1E2
CAD$1.00  For Sale

Location, Location, Location! Opportunity to pick up a unique project ready for renovation on Orangevilles most desirable street. Previously one of downtown churches is ready to be revitalized into one of downtowns most sensational mixed use spaces! This C5 zoned property was amended to support up to 8 units of multi family, a cafe and event space. See high end renderings to be inspired! Basically building permit ready! ......All bids need to be in by December 12th @ 8 pm and irrevocable for 48 hours. Please provide best and final offers.
Check out Rendering Video: https://youtu.be/3ld4eEZ41Jo?si=-sqgxvi1QjnFN1rK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

wechat/whatsapp contact:14166181235

